hi people i m suneet (well this isnt the exactly the kinda intro tht wud interest many but i cundnt think of anything better) anyway i hav never been sold out to the idea of blogging it seemes to b for the desperate who never get any audience to wht they hav to say but when i was invited by a friend to blogspot i thought wht the hell i'll give it a shot... u know how it is
i hav named my blog as " THIS WORLD IS A DREAM THEARE" seems to b a rather weird name doesnt it but i guess i'l just stick with it . I hav seen my share of life i have come to this conclusion that we all are dreamers at heart and somewhere inside we also know that what we really want wilol never be ours .. i'll take the two of the most important words of the title break them up and explain if u'd only give a little more attention before i start getting boring (the real me) 1) DREAM they r the very reason of our existence its our dreams tht drive us to move forward achieve somthing and be someone be a person of our own 2)THEATRE a means of presenting the unreal in a form tht will make anyone believe that wht we hav just seen is possible when there is not a chance of that in real life
through this i want to point out the futlity of our dreams the very reaon tht drives us being too feable to last a life time
if u ask me bout myself i wud like to quote a song here which seems to describe me perfectly
I've told you thisOnce before
Ohh Can't control me
If youTry to take me downur gonna break
I feel your hatred nowseem like you'll do it for me
I'm thinkin You r the measure of the way
I stand alone
I stand alone
-I stand alone, godsmack, scorpion king ost
well there is a lot to say but i guess u'll get to know me better as we progress