I happen to stumble across this sufi story ..... its a story of Mullah Nasiruddin a famous sufi philosopher ........
so without much adeu we shall ger rite down to it
Once a diciple of Mulla Nasiruddin wanted the Mulla to teach him evrything that the Mulla knew ... but according to Sufism knowledge not sumthin that is entirely based on facts its more about the process of learnin than the facts themselves.So in order to teach the deciple this fact about learning the mulla took him to a well he carried a pitcher with him . the mulla drew water from the well poured it in the pitcher. He poured bucket after bucket into the pitcher but the pitcher wont ger filled. Clearly annoyed by Mulla's absent minded behaviour the deciple pointed out " Mulla, There is no bottom to the pitcher." The mulla replied "What has the bottom got to do with the pitcher being filled ? I have a pitcher when i will see the water reaching to the neck i will stop pouring." The deciple got the messege that in order to learn one must know how to learn. Without knowing who we really are one cannot really make any sense out of trying to understand the world.
Introspection is the only way to enlightenment.
This story in many ways has had its profound effect on me. Sumwhere in that giest of life i have found many answers to my misery, anxiety, pain and suffering.
If that was not enought i have more importantly found the true meaning of compassion.
And may be even love.
I rite this blog with a break up with my long term girlfriend to paint the background black.
But i also rite this blog with a deeper understanding of her actions, my anger towards her ( which seems to have sumdued itself ) and hopefuly an enlightening understanding of ME
so without much adeu we shall ger rite down to it
Once a diciple of Mulla Nasiruddin wanted the Mulla to teach him evrything that the Mulla knew ... but according to Sufism knowledge not sumthin that is entirely based on facts its more about the process of learnin than the facts themselves.So in order to teach the deciple this fact about learning the mulla took him to a well he carried a pitcher with him . the mulla drew water from the well poured it in the pitcher. He poured bucket after bucket into the pitcher but the pitcher wont ger filled. Clearly annoyed by Mulla's absent minded behaviour the deciple pointed out " Mulla, There is no bottom to the pitcher." The mulla replied "What has the bottom got to do with the pitcher being filled ? I have a pitcher when i will see the water reaching to the neck i will stop pouring." The deciple got the messege that in order to learn one must know how to learn. Without knowing who we really are one cannot really make any sense out of trying to understand the world.
Introspection is the only way to enlightenment.
This story in many ways has had its profound effect on me. Sumwhere in that giest of life i have found many answers to my misery, anxiety, pain and suffering.
If that was not enought i have more importantly found the true meaning of compassion.
And may be even love.
I rite this blog with a break up with my long term girlfriend to paint the background black.
But i also rite this blog with a deeper understanding of her actions, my anger towards her ( which seems to have sumdued itself ) and hopefuly an enlightening understanding of ME