As a continuation of many of those posts which i have written advocating the whole leberation of thoughts and ideas i stumbled upon thi word ... " UNLEARN ". Again as my Guru says disclaim what is not yours ( which includes most thing ) here is the latest disclaimer . I came across this word during a drunken reverie with a friend of mine . I guess i was too drunk to remember exactly where the conversation had begun but i rememeber this word from the conversation.
UNLERN !!!!!!
Have your ever thought how important it is to learn ??? i m sur all of us have very strong views emphasizing its importance. But as my beliefs in sufism tell me ... there is more to unlearn before u can learn ....... Think of it this way, when we were a kid our sense of vision told us that the ground under our feet looked flat . based on that we believed that the earth was flat . But when we went to school we were tought tht the earth was a sphere and how it rotated around itself and so on .. in this whole new learning process we subconciously unlearnt the whole theory of earth being flat ....
Similarly i think there is a need to understand that many of our so called value need to be unlearnt to live in this ever changing and complicated world that we live in . Many of them we have but there is a need for more of that change .
For instance thw way middle class looks at mall culture is with a lot of resentment which cannot be faulted either but its not the only truth there is a need to look at it from a different perspective. Even more than the need to change is the realisation that change cannot be haled and we need to change according to the world around us .....
I know so many friends of mine who dispise smoking and boozing. Agreed its a health hazard but does anyone give heed to the psychological need for such thing... i mean come on dont u think when defend the antismoking thingy so vehemently and still see people smoking that u need to realise the other take on this situation !!!! this is not just about antisocial habits there is more to the issue that meets the eye ... there is a growing need to accept other cultures other value in the globalised scenario. Here i would like to quote another example of my dearest friend when he went to UK for his last yrof education he found it very difficult to live with people with different set of values. Hence the quick fix cure for all such problems UNLEARN !!!!!