Today out of the blue a dear friend returned to me what I had thought to be lost forever. I realised the importance of what was lost as they say after I had lost it. It was a collection of a bunch of songs I had written a few years ago. Unfortunately I suffer from a writers shame. I cannot publish everything i write cause i am a little shy of these works and the feelings that they depict. By publishing them tonight i plan to overcome that feeling. ( I get really embarrassed if people who know me read any of my work. I manage a few compliments but it rarely does any good to the confidence.) Anyway here is to the first steps .... of my writing songs.
Disclaimer- this is the work of a 17 year old who has mirrored his state of mind through these half written songs .... bear with him as he bears the burden of being himself !!!
Do me a Favour
Do me a favour drop dead
Do me a favour end up in hell
Do it for me do it for the love
Hang urslef to dry thts wht I say
Ur sight makes me sick
Ur I m back sounds like a curse
I don’t wanna talk bout ur hopes and pain
I can do without u in my life
Ur breath turns to smoke
Ur hope ur death by a fast stroke
Dot disappoint me don’t jus survive
I m jus waiting for undertaker to arrive
Down in the coffin u look so beautiful
Eyes closed with flowers in hand
Say that you need meVerse 1
I don’t know what I should do for her
Seems u to need no help
I’ve walked mile from my side
why does your mile seems jus one step
verse 2
I try to convice I’m conman
Pretending to be footloose
Hope u never believed what I said
But I’ll leave that for u to choose
Sometimes I get scared of holding u too close
Sometimes I feel I m holding too tight holding too long
Sometimes your body is all that I want
Verse 3
someday you’ll see the best in me
something tells me its gonna b soon
till that time hold me close to u
say that we can chase the moon
say that need me make me c the light
make me dance in the rain baby hold on tight
Heart of an atheist
Locked up inside me is the anger of a liar
Bound by the chains of humanity
Is the rage and fire of a faithless
Why do I lock myself in me feeling so hopeless
Why cant I notice the beauty of a full moon
I can c it travel across the window the night came so soon
In the heart of a faithless there seems no light
In the heart of an atheist there’s no hope alive
Is it just me or is the world which is going wrong
Y do I keep askin me the question why’s the feeling so strong?
An age seems to have passed since I was free
All I remember of it is the mountain and tree
All these doubts could my senses is this philosophy or insanity?????
So when the atheist decides to bow down against his will
The fight was in vain the point started out in him
Though his spirit doesn’t accept the defeated thoughts
The practical mind just arugues back wht treasures it bought
Torn in this fight of mind and matter
My Own PrisonSitting here on my bed
The door locked behind me
With watery eyes, and pain
An age of anger bottled inside me
My own room
My own prison
My own feelings
Painted so crimson
Putting my self down for sake of peace
Fightin an enemy who’s so mine
I have to let it go but its breaking my spine
With a will that can crumble
I walk out with head held high
Facing the world, jus bout to stumble
My screams end in a sigh
I Feel Your LoveI like to walk in the dark
Cause no one can see me
I keep away from people
So tht no one can feel me
I don’t want you to tell
Am I right or wrong
They’ve pulled me down
They’ve kept me back
I used to be me
But now he’s gone
But then you came along
Like a cool mountain breeze
U melted my heart away
An all my pains they freeze
I feel your love
I still feel some pain
Stay long enough baby
I’m sure they’ll go away
I feel u here
Touch ur lips so warm
If we hold on together
I m sure We’ll sail thru the storm
I look into your eyes
An I know I’ve hurt you
Even if I beg u too hard
You wont kill me , will you ?
Am I holding too tight
Am I making u fight
That’s destiny for u…… my love
The last one was actually written to an ex girlfriend and its the closest to my heart and of all these songs written I missed it the most. Actually that is a really funny story but may be I'll write about it some other time.