Azzaadiyaan .....Freedom, a word, a thought an idea or an ideal. I remember half a life talking about my innate need for it. Although today when I sit down here to talk about it, i find my thoughts fairly clouded. Freedom .... what is it about it that makes half the middle east rise up in protest !! What defines it moulds it makes it so dear to us that the sacrifice of life seems like a small price to pay. Yet there seems to be more than just one kind of freedom and many a times the burning desire to attain it comes from some obscure oppression and denial of this right to act on ones free will. Is freedom that ? acting on ones free will ? that question brings to light what is free will in the first place ? I believe that freedom about choices. Having them even if you may not necessarily choose them or try out where each one takes you.
The theme to this blog originated in the music album of the Film "UDAAN", a brilliant take on the freedom and a choices. But what is it about freedom that makes it so necessary for us to attain. Be it the financial freedom that all youngsters are looking for so that they can go out party all night or be it political freedom that leads many misguided idealists to overthrow oppressive governments only to be replaced by someone worse. Its a open ended question everyone's free to answer it. What is freedom for you ? and why do you need it so much ??
Here's something to get the thoughts going ....