It was a long time ago when i started my blog , an it was a search for whatever they call reality .... though it was a very subconsious effort . This very interesting concept or theory sprung up in my mind about a couple of days ago .
I'd been out for a bit of drive to Panvel and the nearby area , which is just about 70 km away from Mumbai but is absolutely contrasting. Mumbai as we see it has all come down to a whore trying to look like aishwarya rai . The glitz and glam of bollywood , the shining neons of the the million malls glimmering so sensually to attract the mindless flocks to its glittering darkness ( a topic i shall elaborate in my next blog )
and picture this green hills, the moutains which hav been standing tall for a million years they're beauty intriguing, and not to forget the people who give this land its beauty, the hard faced watery eyed and caring farmers, just 70 km from the great city of mumbai..
the relative reality i want to illustrate here is all bout the people livin in these two completely different scenario.
and hence i put forth my theory of relative reality
its very simple i believe tht there is a reality which exists for every person on this earth every man chooses his own reality and accepts it ......
sumtimes poverty may b a reality for someone for sumone it may b a heartbreak for sumone it may b family.......
no one can understand the others reality completely nor can the y live in it or with it ........
so we hav our own lil reality which we accept an live our life ....... and this reality changes with time an all the different realities which hav been tied to the swaying boat called the human life come together to tell the story of tht life ....... these realities make us wht we are and we will be
Hi brat! So we meet again :P
I totally agree with you on how The City is turning an ape. And I love your discription and the anology used for Mumbai and Panvel.
About your relative reality, I am amazed. You seem to have a philosophical mind (absolutely didn't expect this from you - hehehehe)
Seriously yaar, try reading books on philosophy. You may find the answers you are looking for.
Keep writing!
One Q : Why have you put up Arnie's pic????
yeah its the one from end of the days .....
well he looked as sulky and sullen i looked when i saw the stark difference between the realities of mumbai and panvel
to jonquille...
havnt u started posting yet ??? i cant even drop a messege u know ...
and r u still there on orkut ???/ i cant find u there either
I hv sent you a mail -
Juvenile Jonquille ----- Hi Suneet
I have sent you my blogsite.
some good stuff there!!
keep it up!!
I don't like one reality....
thats why I ache to experience different kind of realities..
from the realities of a not so brilliant student to a rebellious college kid...and stuff...good..stuff..you write....your style is again different....its like a *kachori*...its hard outside(confusing in terms of topic we are dealing with)....but after reading your complete post...you ache for more..keep it up..
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