Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am thoroughly confused !!!!!!

I never imagined in my entire life that i'll be confused . I've always been the one with strong opinions about everything and hence i always thought i knew everything about the world even in terms of my feeling i always knew what is it that i exactly i feel what is the best course of action in that case .
But lately i've found it increasingly difficult to be sure of anything. Even the words which i want to use in a conversation. I mean i've never been articulate but then i've never found myself short of words ....... but lately ...
I think its the effect of all the abstract thinkng i've been doing. It is the effect of my new found and implemented theory of "everythign is abstract in life." I realise that objectivism is so much part of our life.
But that is not the point. I find myself going back to many memories which i thought i had long buried and its not nostalgia either. The feeling which i get is of satisfaction and peace but then i find yself wishing that they had lasted a little longer. These memories seem like the never ending trekking trails that i m so used to. They never seem to end and then like a new canvas being unfolded you suddenly find yourself atop the mountain that u had been clibing. But what if that trail itself was what u wanted and that the experience of climbing is what mattered to you, wht if u cudnt care less if u reached the mountain ........
To b honest down here i have travelled on many such paths, but i never found someone to walk them with. I have been walking. Walking through many troubled times, many frustrations, many a new starts, I never have found anyone who'd hold my hand and say dont worry i m there if u need help. Soneone who'd be ther by his own choice and not outta pity or obligation or favour of any sorts .......
and unlike the post seems without a central theme or anything specific to tell . I have much to say but i dont know where to start and where to end ......
Start ...... (sigh) starting all over again has become such an integral part of my life .......


Xorkes said...

U start the article stating confusion regarding things in life, decisions... n u end it with the need for a "partner" ;-) Indeed ur confused in life. Lol.
Confused ppl all around! Seems like a trend. :-) Instead i hardly see any stable minded ppl these days. One way, isnt dat good? Atleast there's company. Hehehe

Xorkes said...
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That Woman said...

i agree with xorkes bigtime...i am there to give u guys!

hey nice post! :)

Unknown said...

@ xorkes ....
well it is very unlike ME to b confused ... i've always had this kind of an objective way of looking at things .....
anyway about that confusion yes it was all bout life and decisions and and i m confused as to where is life taking me i dont really like anyone taking me for a ride i'd rather know the destination before embarking on one .....
tho it remains onee of my fantasies to go on a hippie like journey..... coming back to the topic ur blogs kinda inspired me to rite things that randomly came to my mind and thus this is the result .... i think i m going to stick to my themed blogs

Unknown said...

@ neha ..
I m glad tht u liked the post ... i'd sure love to read urs

sanket kambli said...

good effort..
I believe confusion is the best thing to happen to means there are choices...
some people are so unlucky that their life has no choices(which sucks!) they have no confusion...
life is a journey...which is done in in your next stage you will trek the world with your be patient and enjoy the moment...
live for the moment...
cherish the past...dont brood on past...

Unknown said...

yes u r rite there is no point in brooding over the past but this probably the only place where i get to do it ....
but i'd like to differ on the point tht the matter of confusion is related to choice in any matter
i always had options but i never had any confusion choosing among them ..... confusion is reluctant state of mind where u cant zero in on A particular choice ......

Radhika Mohandas said...

random ramble?seriously,ur writing reminded me of paulo coelho...we're down memory lane one instant,and up a tedious,frustrating mountain the other..never mind,the flow was uninterrupted,good actually.
who says reviving memories is simply nostalgia?there's more to everything we feel than what the cliched people term them.

i write a lot,call it typodysentery...abt having a lot of time on my hands,tell me abt it.i'd also term it limited talent,where all i can do without messing up,seems writing,pait bhar ke!

Unknown said...

@ hellbound ..
u r way too generous to have likened me to Mr. Coelho.
i was just kidding when i said tht u seem to have loads of time .. u seem to have loads of observations and things to talk about too
so keep ritig ....
u seem way too matured for ur age u know tht ..

Gentle Whispers said...

Was just blog hopping and I reached your blog. Confusion is a huge part of my life. A very huge one. Even the simplest things end up confusing me until I have absolutely no idea what to do. And it seems to be going around. I find more and more confused people around me these days.

The only solution, sitting down and thinking things through. Time-consuming maybe. But it works like a charm.

Unknown said...

@ gentle Whisper
Hi yes u are rite confusion is a huge part of our lives and i agree with ur method of sitting down and thinking it through .... but here i m not talking about a CHOICE or DECISON which has to be made
here i was merely commenting upon a state of mind where you have too many thoughts in your head and you cant really decide what is it that ur feeling ??? ever had that kinda feeling ??

Radhika Mohandas said...

heylo again...
even though conscience claims to be talking for the higher good of mankind (never thought i'd get spiritual), it is, ironically a very relative sense.unarguably,everyone has a conscience,term it that, some prefer prayers, some call it the little voice at the back of your head,high-fundu ppl call it their one can claim to not have it.i dont support the idea tht the conscience is shaped mby society and it's norms,tht'll be better termed moral policing,na?
a man left alone on an island with a seductress does not have the society to face,but it depends on his 'conscience' what he'd do with her,if u get my point!

Radhika Mohandas said...

and btw,thanks abt the mature-beyond-my-years compliment,coincidently u'r the third person telling me tht this week!thanks again.

Unknown said...

Sometimes thinking way too much can cause this problem. That is the reason why it is always better to put into action your thoughts, test them through observations and then refine them. I mean, this happens to me too. It's just that confusions stem from a general lack of observation.

What might be confusing you for days could be cleared up in an instant once you approach it with a different perspective. And this way of approach comes to me in arbitrary times. In between a class, while reading a book, and all that.

The realm of thought can be sometimes way too labyrinthine. :D

Nice post. :)

Anonymous said...

Hehhee.. As for my laziness ..i never reached till here ..this is my favourite..i don't know why..but i liked it.. sometimes its okay not to have reasons:)or hide the reasons;)