Movies have a way of making a great impact on me . As a medium, it moves me the most. To tell stories with such earnestness deserves to be applauded but let me not start singing seranades about the medium. So getting back to the topic at hand .. I happened to see this amazing movie called Letters From Iwo Jima directed by my favourite director Clint Eastwood.
Its a story of a battle which was fought in the early 1945 on the volcanic island of Iwo Jima.
The movie tells the story of the battle from the Japanese side where as its prequel ( Flags of our fathers , another good one ) tells a story of the battle from the American side.
It basically revolves around the soldiers of the Japanese light infentory who had to make a stand on that island and their sacrifices, their fears and hopes and on a larger canvas the futility of war .. the transformation of ordinary men into heroes and the gentle whispers of those who died in that war ... heroes everyone of them. It truely moved me in the sense, that it made me realise that the heroes we all worship, are not some superhuman figures ... they are as human as we are ,they feel the same things as we do .. even when i think of my enemies, i wish that i could treat them with the same humanity that i would treat my friends with. It has just been raising too many questions in my mind, and i seem to be thoroughly enjoying answering them ..
But the most important lesson which i've learned from this movie is that at the end of it fear, courage, anger, vengence are all present in the human mind the sooner we accept that we really are the epitome of everything we realise that Heroes are we , villains are we, God is also in us and so do we house our own devils and demons.
Its a story of a battle which was fought in the early 1945 on the volcanic island of Iwo Jima.
The movie tells the story of the battle from the Japanese side where as its prequel ( Flags of our fathers , another good one ) tells a story of the battle from the American side.
It basically revolves around the soldiers of the Japanese light infentory who had to make a stand on that island and their sacrifices, their fears and hopes and on a larger canvas the futility of war .. the transformation of ordinary men into heroes and the gentle whispers of those who died in that war ... heroes everyone of them. It truely moved me in the sense, that it made me realise that the heroes we all worship, are not some superhuman figures ... they are as human as we are ,they feel the same things as we do .. even when i think of my enemies, i wish that i could treat them with the same humanity that i would treat my friends with. It has just been raising too many questions in my mind, and i seem to be thoroughly enjoying answering them ..

Yeah... movies are probably the medium that moves me the most too. actually..earnest movies. there aint many of em now-a-days
i think u only need to look a little harder .. i wanna watch KHUDA KE LIYE .. i m not sure how game you are for that plan but i m sure i'd love sum company
Hey i havent checked both of them.. Time to c :)
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