HE found himself staring out of a window of a old rackety window ... he felt moving side to side without any apparent rhythm. His eyes held a fluid reflection of one green tree, albeit only for a moment only to be replaced by another. The reflections didn't stop. The trees did not stop. But he seemed not to look at the trees but somewhere far beyond them, somewhere deep and someplace that was so removed, so out of reach that he had a tough time recollecting its shape or size or the colors of its walls. But now he felt no walls around ... His sight had turned inside himself. He was trying to understand the serenity of these lush green trees. He couldn't help thinking these lines from his favorite John Denver song. It was true what good old John had sung in the song. The serenity did lie inside him, without the feelings trapped inside him the trees were mere convoluted shapes. The color was just a light of a horribly sterile sounding wavelength.
He looked deeper still. Things were dark still but he could make out a strange form. It was a young boy running toward the wooded hills. He looked hard, tried to remember who the boy was. The boy wore a t-shirt that looked hauntingly familiar. It didn't take him long to recognize the boy. Someone he once knew but knew not where he had been lost or when. He thought to himself when did the boy grew up ... he couldn't remember the day the suit became the boy's identity and he knew nothing of the day when the boy stopped dancing. It clearly bothered him. It made him angry. Shut his eyes only to swallow the ethereal reflections of the trees ... It only made him more mad !!! The trees reappeared in the reflections of his eyes ... That seemed to calm him considerably. He remembered the day when he only a 8 year old boy had run towards those beautiful hills. That very moment the darkness lifted only a bit. He had found the moment that made the trees so pretty. He had found a piece of himself lost long ago ... drowsed by multiple layers of experiences memories.
As the bus suddenly halted he gathered his bearing. Picked up his knapsack slid out of his seat and walked into another journey of self realization.
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