For a long time i have been wanting to update this place.A place much beloved, although like a wife of 20 years, much ignored. I noticed that it has been 5 months since i last updated this blog. Although another number that did not escape my EVER WATCHFUL observation is that 2010 was the second most productive year of my blogging time. Now its 2011 .... a lot has happened over the last one year ... a lot of positives a few negative that can be taken in their own stride and moved on from.
"I am off to cornell bitch" was my favorite quote of 2010( ala Mark Zuckerberg, The Social Network) little did i realize that it should have been followed up with ",and i am screwed too !!" Not really .... I have had a lot of time of late to think and make innumerable observations. Living the life of a 23 year old unemployed, holed up with parents guy has its own little perks!! ;) I even get to take the car out for grocery shopping !! :P
Moving on. A few serious topics, plenty of frustrated ramblings, a travel log and loads of picture are on offering much like the all pleasing Budget of 2011, that promises a candy to all and is even considerate enough to offers a dental insurance at double the cost !!
So my beloved blog .... You shall not be ignored like the AAM AADMI of India .... After all i am not the Reformist from the land of communism and strikes ... !!!
welcome back to regular blogging
@ sankubaba ....
Glad to be back mate ... its people like you who always make me some back to this hallowed place time and again ... !!
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